Post-Partum Depression

Many factors can contribute to emotional struggles after the birth of a baby, including hormonal shifts, sleep deprivation, feeling overwhelmed by caring for a newborn baby, and social isolation. While moods normally fluctuate dramatically during those first few days or even weeks, sometimes depression and anxiety during this period can be debilitating and can make taking care of a baby feel impossible.
Some symptoms of post-partum depression might include the following:
  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings
  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Excessive crying
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Change in appetite (decrease or increase)
  • Insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy
  • Reduced interest and pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
  • Intense irritability or anger
  • Anxiety, worry that you’re not a competent mother
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness, shame, guilt or inadequacy
  • Difficulty concentrating or difficulty making decisions
  • Severe anxiety and panic attacks
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
New fathers can experience post-partum depression and anxiety as well, which has similar symptoms.
Post-partum depression can be treated with psychotherapy alone, medication alone, or a combination of therapy and medication. There are many medications that help post-partum depression that are safe to take during breast feeding.

Depression | Anxiety | Panic Disorder | Social Anxiety Disorder
Postpartum Depression | Bipolar Disorder | Stress | Trauma
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) | Adjustment Disorder
Substance Abuse and Food Addiction | PTSD
Borderline Personality Disorder | Other Personality Disorders

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